Our Details Report
- Annual Report form IV
- Charges levied on the member HCFs for treatment and disposal of BMW
- List of vehicles connected with GPS
- Consent & Authorization facility
- Stack monitoring Report
- GPS vehicle tracking route
- Continuous Online stack monitoring system
- GPS tracking system for vehicles
- List of HCF not taken membership
Welcome to SMS ENVOCLEAN Private Limited
SMS ENVOCLEAN Private Limited, Mumbai is a Group Company of SMS Limited, Nagpur. is the company involved in Management of handling Bio-Medical Waste Collection, Transport, Treatment & Disposal facilities. We are operating in the Jurisdiction of Mumbai City.
- We are serving more than 13000 (Asia’s Largest CBWTF) Clients in Mumbai city.
- Manage about 48400 beds in HCF at Mumbai city.
- We have 59 vehicles with specified routes for BMW collection.
- Non chlorinated Bar coded bags provision to HCF.
- State of art facility having Incineration, Autoclaving, Chemical disinfection and shredding facility.
- Training to HCF for safe handling and management of BMW.
- OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO 9001, & ISO 14001 Certified company.

"To Attain and Retain No.1 position in every Environmental Business Line wherever we are"

"To exceed the expectations of all"
- Stakeholders
- Employees
- Customers
- Government
- Lenders
- Suppliers
- Society
- Shareholders

"We will work with"
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Growth
- Hard Work
- Learning
- Innovative
- Fairness
- Team Work
Our Number
8 Year
Years of Working
No. of Hopitals Served
Number of Beds Served

Biomedical Waste collection
We are providing waste collection service to all clients ranging from 24 hrs to 48 hrs...

Barcode waste bags for BMW handling
Provision of colored bags as per BMWR-2016 for storage and transport of biomedical waste...

Biomedical Waste Bins
We are also providing the waste bins as per colour coding for storage of biomedical waste...

Training to HCF’s
We have a dedicated team to provide trainings to HCF employees on proper management, handling..

At our facility Biomedical waste destructed by the combustion of organic substances contained in ..

This facility has 8 TPD (Designed capacity) autoclave facility dedicated for the purposes of disinfecting ..

Chemical Disinfection
This facility has 15 TPD (Designed capacity) chemical disinfection facility dedicated for the purposes ..

This facility has 20TPD (Designed capacity) shredding facility and post chemical treatment ..